Tuesday, February 5, 2008

St. Paul -- Ward 4 -- Precinct 4

We arrived early, and found a line to get in that went down to the corner and wrapped around the block.

The college students behind us talk about Clinton and Obama. One of the trio is still undecided, heading into the caucus. Another says that the Germans are calling Obama "Schwarze Kennedy" -- the black Kennedy. That switches the conversation, briefly, into German. Then he tells about being in Costa Rica at the time of the Iowa caucuses and how excited people there were about Obama's victory, and how excited he was that "my lily-white home state" had given Obama a victory.

They agree, though, that opposition to Clinton includes a lot of people opposed to her because she is a woman. Her opponents would not make the same criticisms of a man. No argument there.

After standing in the line for 15 minutes, we get to the front -- I look back and the line behind us still wraps around the block. I've never seen such a turnout. Not even in 2004.

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